The first admission to the Faculty of Dentistry amounted to 56 students. In 1968 the first doctors-stomatologists graduated from the Kuban Medical Institute. In 1998 the formation of the faculty staff was completed with setting up one more profile Chair of propaedeutical stomatology headed by Professor L.A.Skorikova. Since the first days of organizing the faculty the staff of the Chair started to carry out research work in parallel with educational and methodic duties. During these years diagnostics, prophylaxis and treatment of the maxillofacial inflammations became the basic complex subject of the faculty scientific research. The faculty staff including 6 Doctors and 46 Candidates of Medical Sciences is able to solve the most complicated tasks. During the years of its functioning the Faculty of Dentistry trained and graduated more than 4500 doctors-stomatologists. Now 1000 students are taught at the Faculty of Dentistry of KubSMU. Since 2000 the faculty has been implimentig the plan of new generation educational standard providing for profound study of propaedeutical and clinical stomatology. New work programmes have been prepared and introduced into the educational process at the profile Chairs of the faculty. Development of the students’ clinical thinking has always been the main task of the faculty in qualitative training of the students. Actions to work out and apply new forms, methods and means of the students’ cognitive work activation in educational process are constantly carried out at all the profile stomatological Chairs. Phantom lecture rooms for the students’ self-dependent work are set up at the Chair of Orthopaedic Stomatology and Propaedeutics and Prophylaxis of dental diseases. Great attention is paid to practical training of the students at the faculty.
Faculty of Dentistry

Bykov Ilya Mikhailovich
Head of the Department, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Honored Scientist of the Kuban, Excellence in Public Health of the Russian Federation
Уear of foundation
Students are currently studying
Contact information of the Dean's Office of the Faculty of Dentistry of KubSMU
г. Краснодар, ул. Митрофана Седина, 4 главный корпус, 3-й этаж