Submission of documents from June 20, 2024
International Department

The history of the emergence of the tradition of training foreign citizens dates back to 1961, when the Kuban State Medical Institute in the name of Red Army the first and only foreign citizen at that time arrived to study at the university through the state line – a citizen of Yemen, MOHAMED MAHDI AL MUZWANI, who received a medical degree in 1967.
On a voluntary basis, the first dean for foreign students in 1967-1968 was Oleg Vasilyevich Dubinkin , who at that time worked as an associate professor of the Department of Operative Surgery with Topographic Anatomy, his deputies were Evfaliya Nikandrovna Khristoforova – assistant at the department of pathological anatomy and Nina Romanovna Dontsova – head of the Russian department language.
As the number of foreign students increased, the staff of the Department of Foreign Languages was among the first to supervise their stay. They took into account the individual characteristics of students from different countries, who had no idea of the life, history, culture, and everyday life of Russia. Largely thanks to the efforts of teachers and curators of foreign students, among the graduates of the university there are heads of national health systems, large hospitals, medical schools, scientists and doctors-scientists who work for the benefit of people all over the world.
In 1967-1973, work with foreign students was headed by Nikolai Ivanovich Muratov , in those years the head of the department of ENT diseases.
In 1973-1976 Nikolay Ivanovich Repetun – Head of the Department of Forensic Medicine.
The staff dean’s office for work with foreign students at the Kuban Medical Institute was organized in 1976, when the number of foreign students exceeded 100, and its first dean (from 1976 to 1978) was the head of the Department of Foreign Languages, Yuri Terentyevich Orekhov. From 1978 to 1981 – Associate Professor of the Department of Faculty Surgery, Candidate of Medical Sciences Vladimir Mikhailovich Novikov.
By the time the number of foreign students became 300 people, in 1981, the post of vice–rector for international relations was introduced at the university. Grigory Kuzmich Sokushev, professor of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, worked in this position from 1981 to 1983. Then the work with foreign students at the university was headed by Associate Professor of the Department of Philosophy Igor Nikolayevich Remizov (from 1984 to 1985), Associate Professor of the Department of Biology Vyacheslav Mikhailovich Sysoev (1986-1991). From 1991 to 2008, the duties of the vice-rector for educational work with foreign students and international relations were performed by the head of the department of public health and health care of the FAT (faculty of advanced training) and PTS (professional training of specialists), professor Boris Viktorovich Kazarin, who made a huge contribution to the development of this direction of the university’s activities. From 2008 to 2009, the international sector was headed by the head of the Department of Public Health and Healthcare and the History of Medicine, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Andrei Nikolayevich Redko. In the future, the post of vice-rector for international relations was reduced, and in the future, the work of the dean’s office on work with foreign students is directly subordinate to the rector and vice-rectors in the relevant areas of activity.
The dean’s office of the faculty for work with foreign students from their time was headed by:
Head of the Department of Foreign Languages, Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor Igor Alekseevich Yurin
Associate Professor of the Department of Histology, Candidate of Medical Sciences Viktor Ivanovich Dudetsky
Head of the Department of Prosthetic Dentistry, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Honored Doctor of Russia Valery Vasilyevich Yerichev
Associate Professor of the Department of Allergology, Clinical Immunology and Laboratory Diagnostics, Candidate of Medical Sciences Tatyana Vladimirovna Sundatova
Assistant of the Department of Russian Language Alexander Dmitrievich Danilevsky
Head of the Department of Forensic Medicine, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Valery Anatolyevich Porodenko
the dean's office was headed by the head of the department of hygiene and ecology, professor, honored worker of public health of the Russian Federation, Petr Vladimirovich Nefedov
the work of the dean's office was led by Professor of the Department of Fundamental and Clinical Biochemistry Ivan Ivanovich Pavlyuchenko
the duties of the dean of the faculty were performed by the senior lecturer of the department of mobilization preparation of health care and disaster medicine, lieutenant colonel of the reserve Marat Munirovich Munasypov
During the existence of the faculty for working with foreign students, a large number of leaders have changed, but the main task of the dean’s office was: support and assistance in the stay and adaptation of foreign students to life in a foreign country for them, and not just training in the specialty of a doctor.
Until 1991, foreign students studied in groups with Soviet students, which contributed to better understanding and improvement of language training through the study of the Russian language in the process of informal extracurricular communication with native students.
Foreign students, together with native students, took an active part in the social life of the institute, amateur performances, in demonstrations, rallies, sabbatarians, in the third (labor) semester.
A visit to the cities of the Russian Federation, the republics of the USSR, contributed not only to acquaintance with the Soviet people, its history, the achievements of Soviet health care and medical science during the period of socialist construction, but made it possible to acquaint foreign students with the peculiarities of work, life, traditions, the character of the Soviet people, with heroism medical workers during the Great Patriotic War, etc.
From 1974 to 1986, a large group of students from the GDR studied at the university, then a medical institute. With the growth of the contingent at the departments of the university, the patronage work with foreign students expanded. At first, those responsible for working with foreign students (curators) were appointed, then each department took patronage over one or another community. The staff of the departments organized evenings of meetings, regularly visited foreign students in hostels, worked with them on general institute sabbatarians, etc.
Since 1990, KubSMU has been working with foreign students mainly on a contract basis, i.e. with full reimbursement of training costs by the students themselves, however, it continues to train foreign citizens sent by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation through the Federal-line.
Since that time, foreign students began to study in separate groups, which made it possible to strengthen the individual work of teachers with foreign students, to increase the responsibility for the quality of their education. But since 2011, a decision has been made to teach foreign students in joint groups with Russian students. Foreign students speak less their own language and communicate more in Russian, which is important for assessing the answers of foreign students and their level of training. Also, between Russian and foreign students there are educational, professional, everyday discussions that are educational in nature and expand the horizons of foreign students and their motivation to study.
Returning to our time, it should be noted that over the past 50 years, more than 3500 doctors of different directions, from more than 100 countries of the world have received education at the university.
In July 2012, the dean’s office of the faculty for work with foreign students was reorganized into an international department, the head of which was appointed Mamed-Ali Rakhmatullaevich Acheldyev.
KubSMU has worked and continues to work with foreign students in post-graduate forms of education. From 1967 to the present on an internship, in clinical residency and postgraduate studies in surgery, traumatology and orthopedics, nervous diseases, therapy, obstetrics and gynecology, otorhinolaryngology, anesthesiology, pediatrics, urology, skin and venereal diseases, infectious diseases, ophthalmology, pathology therapeutic dentistry, surgical dentistry, orthodontics at the relevant departments, etc., more than 850 specialists from different countries of the world have been trained (Yemen, Syria, Lebanon, Sudan, Morocco, Jordan, Cyprus, Bangladesh, Mauritius, Mexico, Iraq, Colombia, Chile, Chad, Vietnam, Jordan, Lebanon, NDRY, Morocco, etc.).